
Police Assn. Had Its Way Too Long

A recent letter by Harry Polgar (Times, June 9) did not give both sides of the problems between Chief D. Clayton Mayes and the Downey Police Officers Assn.

The problem is that the police officers association has had its way for the past 10 to 12 years, and the general public (citizens of Downey) has lost confidence. Former Chief William Martin was a very nice person but lacked the strength to take corrective action when police officers got out of line.

Chief Mayes is trying to get the Downey Police Department back to when retired Chief of Police I.A. Robinson had an excellent department.


Presently many police officers use the macho or bully-type attitude toward citizens, even going so far as to make remarks to elderly and young citizens that are threatening. A few of the officers are well-mannered and respect the rights of all citizens.

I have seen the Police Department go from excellent to poor since 1953, and Chief Mayes is trying to rebuild it. The police officers association’s threats do not work; understanding and respect for all is better.


