
The summer concert series in Whittier Central...

The summer concert series in Whittier Central Park began its sixth season Monday with a performance by the La Serna High School Dixieland Band, above. This year’s free, city-sponsored concerts include regional bands with a variety of musical styles including big band, country-Western, easy listening, oldies from the 1950s and ‘60s, marches and jazz. The concerts run through Aug. 26, and all begin at 7 p.m. on Mondays.

Next Monday’s show will feature the big band sounds of the Tak Shindo Orchestra. That performance will conclude the 12th annual Whittier Village Festival, a weekend of celebration that begins Saturday in Uptown Whittier.

The festival drew 100,000 people over its two days last year and will include arts and crafts, food of all sorts, all-day continuous entertainment on four stages and community and commercial entertainment booths.
