
Civil War Revisited

Robert Gibson’s article “A Civil War Odyssey” (June 30) was outstanding. His travelogue presentation appears certain to trigger a revival of interest in the Civil War era just as the TV series did. The article should provide history teachers with a different approach to Civil War instruction.

As organizer and first president of the Gettysburg Battlefield Preservation Assn., I commend him for fine writing that generates interest in American history.

The odyssey of the Gibsons is very timely and helpful to the nation because most all the Civil War battlefields are still in need of preservation. Perhaps for the first time in more than 100 years, things are happening in Washington, D.C., that should arouse national interest in preserving segments of history long ignored. Secretary of the Interior Manuel Lujan, recognizing neglect, created the federal “American Battlefield Protection Program” to ensure that the nation is doing all that it should to preserve the sites that the Gibsons and all Americans enjoy seeing.


We Civil War buffs thank the Gibsons for sharing their Odyssey with us.


Blue Jay, Calif.
