
Lunada Bay Surfers

Your article painted a rather bleak picture of surfing in Palos Verdes Estates. It talks of harassment, vandalism and other criminal activities, which are reportedly targeted against surfers from outside the area. The article was followed by an editorial (“Surf and Turf,” July 6). Neither the city nor Police Department condones the activities of the local surfers quoted in the article.

The Police Department has and will continue to respond to all complaints received from the surfing areas. The police will vigorously pursue any incidents of criminal activity that are brought to our attention. However, this can only be done with the assistance of those who are victims of this activity.

The Police Department will continue to ensure that any surfer wishing to do so, in Lunada Bay or any other area of Palos Verdes Estates, will have safe access to the beach and to the water. Victims are encouraged to report all acts of vandalism or assaults to the Police Department as soon as possible. It is only with the cooperation of concerned citizens and victims that the activities of a few who wish to spoil it for the many can be brought to an end.



Mayor, Palos Verdes Estates
