
$240,000 in Damages Asked for Painting Swastikas on Home

The attorney for a Jewish woman whose home was spray-painted with swastikas by teen-agers urged a jury Wednesday to assess damages of $240,000 against the parents of one participant.

In his closing argument Wednesday, attorney Jeffrey Schwartz suggested that Adele Goldberg, 32, of San Diego be awarded $10,000 a month for the last two years.

Schwartz said that, since the Nov. 13, 1988, incident Goldberg has experienced nightmares about Nazis and being chased. She has anxiety and fear, “whether it’s rational or not,” he told jurors.


Noting the presence of the media at the trial, Schwartz told jurors: “The community is looking at you in this case.”

In response, attorney John Wingert, who represents Richard and Lucy Prendergast of Jamul and their 18-year-old daughter, Theresa, told jurors “greed” on Goldberg’s part is the reason for the “quarter of a million dollar figure” requested.

“That kind of claim lies directly on her motive and credibility,” Wingert said.

The San Diego Superior Court jury deliberated about 30 minutes Wednesday before recessing and were to resume discussions today.


Theresa Prendergast testified that she drove her father’s car with other youths to Tifereth Israel Synagogue, where it was also spray-painted with anti-Semitic statements.

Although Wingert urged jurors to award no damages to Goldberg, he did suggest $5,000 as “a reasonable award for her distress” if they felt some amount should be awarded.

Wingert cited notations in Goldberg’s medical records indicating stress-related problems before the incident occurred.


“She has blamed all of her problems . . . on this incident,” said Wingert, later adding sarcastically: “Maybe all of her life’s problems can be blamed on Theresa Prendergast.”
