
Mistake Known as the Tax Hike

I would like to respond to the article, “ ‘Tax Revolt’ Endures Despite New Increases” (July 14). The observation is made that successors to an eight-year governorship are forced to raise taxes in response to budget deficits.

This observation is like the successor business joke. The departing manager leaves his successor three envelopes in case of an emergency. The first says, “Blame your predecessor.” The second advises, “Blame it on the economy.” The third states, “Write three letters.”

We as taxpayers (the board of directors) should not accept these explanations from our hired managers (the legislators). As taxpayers we should demand answers to the pertinent questions. Where are the revenues coming from? Where is the money being spent? What are we getting in services? Are they adequate? What can we do to save money?


Don’t our legislators ever balance their own checkbook?

SHELLEY B. VALK, Laguna Beach
