
River Habitat Will Be Restored

The Nature Conservancy, as part of its statewide Habit Restoration Project, will begin work in the Prado Basin, an area of rich habitat along the Santa Ana River, less than an hour’s drive from downtown Los Angeles.

The basin covers approximately 14,000 acres and is home to a number of rare and endangered bird species, including the least Bell’s vireo, the southwestern willow flycatcher and burrowing owls.

The Nature Conservancy plans to restore 122 acres along the river by removing exotic plants and replacing them with native species. Restoration will take place over the next two years. In November and December, participants can help with planting and irrigation layout. Call (800) 733-1763 or (619) 276-1141.



Adults and children can participate in a microscopic examination of tide pool animals, shells, feathers, whale baleen and other marine artifacts in a Discovery Center workshop at the Cabrillo Marine Museum on Saturday at 1 p.m. Call (310) 548-7563.


Andrew Strominger, a UC Santa Barbara physics professor, will discuss “Quantum Mechanics and Black Holes” at a Caltech Physics Research Conference on Thursday at 4 p.m. in 201 East Bridge. Call (800) 423-8849 or (818) 356-4652.


Sherman N. Mullin, president of the Lockheed Advanced Development Co., also known as the “Skunk Works,” will discuss “Engineering in the Lockheed Skunk Works in the 21st Century” and the future of the well-known unit’s computer-assisted design, manufacturing and support systems today at 4 p.m. at USC’s Hedco Neurosciences Building. Call (213) 740-6858.



The interaction between human culture and the geologic environment, including landslides, earthquakes and water supply, will be explored in a seminar, “Man and the Land: A Photo Essay on Environmental Geology,” offered by UCLA Extension on Saturday at 9 a.m. Call (310) 825-7093.


An overview of recent research at the George C. Page Museum, examination of the artifacts collected from the Hancock Park site and information on ancillary classroom techniques and resources are some of the activities scheduled for a special evening for educators at the Page Museum on Thursday at 6 p.m. Reservations are required. Call (213) 744-3535.


A survey of the Southern California coastal sage scrub habitat, with an emphasis on the Palos Verdes Peninsula, will be discussed at the monthly meeting of the Los Angeles Audubon Society tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Plummer Park. Call (213) 876-0202.



Children 5 and older can see how the Earth’s past can teach us about our present in a “Time Trek with Tyrannosaurus Rex” at Kidspace Museum on Saturday at 2 and 3:30 p.m. Call (818) 449-9144.
