
Nevada Search Continues for Fliers From Placentia


The Nevada Civil Air Patrol on Friday continued to search for a Placentia couple who have been missing since Oct. 29.

Larry Richards, 52, and Barbara Keating, 54, were reportedly on their way to Idaho in Richards’ twin-engine Beechcraft but never arrived.

“They would usually tell us exactly where they were going,” said Betty Loadholtz of Placentia, Keating’s best friend. “If they were going to change their plans, we would have known. They are both responsible, level-headed people and there is no way they would have been gone this long and not contacted someone.”


The couple, who live together, were last seen checking out of a motel in Jean, Nev., on Oct. 29, Loadholtz said.

Maj. Phillip Brown said the Nevada Civil Air Patrol has searched more than 50,000 square miles of the central and eastern portions of the state.

“The search is still going on and we have messages out on television and radio that we hope will bring us some new information,” Brown said. “We will continue to look until Sunday unless new leads are uncovered.”


Civil Air Patrol units have also searched in vain for the couple in Northern California and parts of Idaho.

Loadholtz, who said she talked to Keating the day before she left on her trip, said the couple frequently traveled in Richards’ plane.
