
The Stuff

It’s Tupperware’s two-week record-breaker period and pitch person Pam Teflon is teetering on breaking a sales record--not to mention on 11-inch stiletto heels.

You go, girl . . . er, guy.

You see, when Pam isn’t Pam preaching the pleasures of plastic, she’s Jeff Sumner, a 31-year-old actor, writer and Tupperware executive manager. But it’s his shtick--part stand-up comedy, part performance theater--as the Tupperware maven that has ‘em packed at Plastica, a hip Silver Lake shop, on this particular night.

“By the time we’re done, you’re gonna feel like you’ve been hit by a Tupperware tornado,” coos the Amazonian Pam as she adjusts her “I (Heart) Tupperware” rhinestone brooch.


For almost two hours, the fact-filled, fast-talking Pam takes her audience through 40 pages of plastica galaxia in her dead-on Auntie Mame voice.

She strikes poses. She cheers: “Gimme a T. Gimme an upper. Gimme a ware.” She burps bowls. She demos everything from colanders to cake servers. No wonder the RuPaul of TW is the No. 1 consultant among the 8,000 reps in the Pacific region.

All this, without one strand of her Jiffy-Popped hair out of place, lipstick intact, eyelashes the size of rakes immaculately in place.


She is, in her own word, “faaaa-bu-lous!”


Plastica, 4685 Hollywood Blvd., (213) 644-1212, has everything from vintage Tupperware to pop art vinyl pillows, blow-up furniture and plastic lamps, clocks, clothes and bags.
