
3 Agencies Take Mitsubishi on Test Drives

Mitsubishi Motor Sales of America said Wednesday it heard “excellent” presentations from three agencies competing for its $60-million to $80-million dealer account earlier this week, but would not say when it might choose an agency. The company said that it expects to make a decision by the end of the year, but people familiar with the review expect a winner to emerge this month. Mitsubishi plans to consolidate at one agency dealer advertising that has been handled by more than a dozen agencies throughout the country. The contenders are Deutsch LA, Foote, Cone & Belding in San Francisco and a team consisting of incumbents Grey Advertising in Los Angeles and Zimmerman & Partners in Florida--which separately handle regional accounts currently. The brand advertising is handled by G2, a sister agency of Grey. According to people familiar with the review, agencies were asked to develop campaigns consistent with its “Built for Living” brand campaign to help Mitsubishi leverage its advertising dollars. In the past, regional ad campaigns went in different directions. In Los Angeles, local ads suggested dealers went to absurd lengths to sell cars. “Sure we’re a little nuts,” the slogan said, “but only because our cars are so cool.”
