
Block These Guns, Mr. Clinton

Last month, President Clinton said he would block future importation of foreign-made assault weapons, but he stopped short of yanking import permits already issued for such lethal weapons.

The number of permits already approved turns out to be mind-boggling, as many as 600,000 over the past year, although the number shipped usually falls well short of the permit level.

The White House Wednesday attributed 150,000 of the 600,000 permits to a “rogue operation” within the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms that accelerated approval of import permits. Whatever the reason, unless the president quickly issues and extends his proposed directive, an arsenal of rapid-fire guns may wash up on our shores. Many surely would find their way into the hands of gangsters or guys with a grudge. Assault weapons are not designed for hunting. Home defense? Perhaps, if you want to risk shooting up your home and possibly your family while trying to knock off a burglar.


Clinton’s decision last month came in response to serious pressure from Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif). She and several of her colleagues insist--correctly--that Clinton has the executive authority to close a loophole in the 1994 federal assault weapons law that, in essence, deems these guns legal if made abroad but illegal if made here. The president last month took a half-step toward tighter controls by promising to restrict future imports. He should now act responsibly and immediately stop this deadly flow.
