
Squabble Over Tree Trimming Rekindled

In the latest chapter of a battle over tree trimming, an attorney has charged that the City Council violated the state’s open-meetings law when it disbanded a controversial Tree Preservation Commission.

Attorney Steven A. Broiles charges in a letter to the city Tuesday that it failed to list the ordinance on the agenda for its Oct. 28 meeting and that the council failed to explain why the item was added at the last minute for an emergency vote. Instead, the agenda said the ordinance and the commission would be up for “review.” Under the Ralph M. Brown Act, an agenda must state whether an item will be voted on.

Broiles is demanding another council vote on the issue.

City Manager John Davidson said the city does not believe there was a Brown Act violation, but officials will examine the issue and if there is a violation of the law, the matter will be scheduled for a future meeting.


The council vote capped months of internal squabbling and allegations of conflict of interest against some Tree Preservation Commission members, including some who are tree trimmers. The allegations have prompted a state investigation and unleashed a political feud in recent months.
