
Wilson Names 2 Area Residents to Panel

Two Valley residents have been appointed by Gov. Pete Wilson to the California Commission on Improving Life Through Service.

Tarzana resident Joyce Van Schaack and Florence A. Newsom of Sherman Oaks, along with eight others, were named Wednesday to the 25-member commission, whose purpose is to administer volunteer activities and to promote awareness of mentorship opportunities.

“These individuals have shown a devotion to volunteerism and public services,” said Matt Taggart, a spokesman for Wilson. “We are confident that they will be able to send a strong message on the importance of mentorship and helping California’s troubled youth reach their goals.”


Van Schaack, a retired schoolteacher, is no stranger to working for Wilson, who has appointed her to the 51st District Agricultural Assn. (San Fernando Valley Fair) since 1992. That same year she was also appointed by President George Bush to the Christopher Columbus Foundation.

She has also worked with the Reagan administration, having been appointed to the Intergovernmental Advisory Council on Education for the United States Department of Education from 1981 to 1987, and as the regional administrator’s assistant at the U.S. General Services Administration from 1987 to 1988.

Van Schaack is an adjunct professor at Glendale Community College and an instructor for the Greater Avenue Independence (GAIN) program at Pierce College.


Newsom, executive director for the Angeles Girl Scout Council, has served on the commission since 1994. She also serves as an arbitrator for the California Better Business Bureau and is a member of the Los Angeles United Way.

Since its inception in 1993, the commission has developed a comprehensive service plan addressing persistent social problems, including juvenile crime and teen pregnancy, and has provided adult mentors for at-risk youths, Taggart said.

Members do not receive a salary.
