
Cover Liberal School Boards Too

* Now that the school board election in Orange is over, let’s start seeing some equal coverage. There are more than 20 other school boards in Orange County. What are the districts doing who have a liberal majority, many without even one conservative voice?

Could their policies support condom distribution, contraception, sex education with little or no abstinence education as required by state law?

Could their policies support Planned Parenthood-trained peer counselors? As uncertified high school-age counselors, could they be dealing with problem pregnancies, abortions or even suicide? Is this legal?


Could their policies support health textbooks that break several state education codes, and very likely criminal codes in accommodating premarital sex, which often involves statutory rape?

This list only partially covers what liberal school boards promote on the social issues. It doesn’t even address the lack of academic standards, such as phonics, in our schools.


