
Teen Pregnancies

It really concerns me that “Teen Pregnancies Take Biggest Drop in 25 Years” (Nov. 1) gives full credit for the decrease in teen pregnancy rates to the well-funded efforts of family planning (i.e. contraception education and availability). Let’s give the credit to the youths, not to Planned Parenthood. Many youths are making smart choices. And one of those smarter choices is to be uninvolved sexually until they are older, or married.

We all agree that education works to cause change. However, the message and the messengers must not presuppose that teens are uncontrollably headed toward sexual involvement. Rather, our efforts must truthfully expose the true-to-life consequences of sex before marriage, help them to honestly consider abstinence, and encourage them in their ability to control themselves. All of this will give them an informed judgment and prepare them to take responsibility for whatever choices they do make.


