
Pleasant Valley Schools Chief to Take Job at College in Santa Clarita


Pleasant Valley School District Supt. Shirley Carpenter has announced she will leave her position at the end of the school year to head the department of education at The Master’s College in Santa Clarita.

Carpenter, who started with the Camarillo district in 1982 and was named its superintendent five years later, informed school board trustees of her decision earlier this month. Her resignation is effective June 30.

“This has not been an easy decision, nor has it been made quickly,” Carpenter told board members. “After a time of reflection and introspection . . . my husband, Dick, and I have prayerfully determined it is time for a change in our future direction.”


In her new position at The Master’s College, Carpenter will be involved in training and supervising student teachers. She is to assume her new job Aug. 1.

Carpenter said she waited until after the Nov. 4 election to announce her decision. In that election, Camarillo voters approved a $49-million bond measure--known as Measure T--to build new schools and shore up crumbling facilities in the Pleasant Valley district.

Before that victory, district officials had tried four times since 1991 to pass a bond measure.


Officials said the bond money is needed to maintain aging facilities and keep pace with surging enrollment.

“One of my desires is to leave our district with hands full of adequate resources in order to provide necessary facilities for the growing needs of Pleasant Valley School District,” Carpenter said. “With the passage of Measure T, I believe that this is now in place.”

Carpenter came to the district as principal of Los Primeros Structured School and became assistant superintendent in 1986.


She is asking to be released from her contract and to be considered for retirement benefits. The school board will consider that request at its Dec. 11 meeting.

Carpenter said she is sad to leave, but is confident the district is ready to meet future challenges.

“The senior administrative staff is very talented and dedicated to moving both program and facility needs of this district forward in a positive and strong manner,” she said. “I am able to leave knowing it is time to do so and that the future education of the children of Camarillo is in secure and caring hands.”
