
1,700 Volcanic Quakes Reported Near Mammoth Lakes in Week

The U.S. Geological Survey reported Friday that there have been more than 1,700 volcanic earthquakes in the last week close to the Eastern Sierra town of Mammoth Lakes, 244 of magnitude 2.0 or above, and 14 at or above 3.0.

But scientists monitoring the seismic activity said it has diminished sharply since Monday, when a daily high of more than 600 quakes was recorded.

The scientists do not expect the quake swarm that has been going on in the Mammoth area since June to result in a volcanic eruption in the short term.


Experts believe that the quakes, at a depth of three to five miles, may reflect subterranean movement of molten rock. So far, they say there has been no sign that the rock is moving toward the surface.

In recent days, the location of most of the temblors has moved from about four miles east of Mammoth Lakes to two miles east, and a few jolts have been just west of the town.
