
And Then, of Course, We Have the Clippers

When the euphoria of last season ended, I would have assumed that reality would have set in and the Clipper “brain trust” would have realized that they made the playoffs only because of the injuries suffered by the San Antonio Spurs.

In addition, after watching Coach Bill Fitch antagonize all of his best young players and botch game after game with his absurd substitutions and failures to make adjustments, one would have assumed that the Clipper management would have seen through their own hype and fired the incompetent Mr. Fitch, rather than rehire him at an increase in salary.

Well, as usual, any assumption that Clipper management would act sensibly proved to be a mistake. As a result, the Clipper season is already down the drain and Coach Fitch is saying it’s going to be OK. What a joke!



Los Angeles
