
Anderson Window Spot Is a Clear Winner

Advertiser: Anderson Corp.

Agency: Campbell Mithun Esty, Minneapolis

Challenge: Tout the Anderson window’s reputation for quality to set it apart from competitors.

The Ads: Two television commercials are based on actual events. One ad borrows from a New Jersey court case in which a jury sided with homeowners who claimed they were misled about the quality of their windows when they were told the windows were “as good as Anderson.” A voice-over advises: “If anyone tells you another brand of windows is as good as Anderson, ask them if it’ll hold up in court.” Another commercial is based on a New Jersey contractor who insists his customers sign a waiver if they choose not to use Anderson windows in their homes. Each ad ends with the slogan, “Worry-proof. Time-proof.”

Comment: These are small but powerful stories. Though not conclusive proof of Anderson’s superiority claim--there is no way of knowing whether Anderson windows would have satisfied the homeowners--the anecdotes make their point. $$$



Ads are rated from $ to $$$$, based on tastefulness and probable effectiveness, with $$$$ being highest.
