Proposal for Law on Concealed Guns
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Re “Keep the Wild West in the Past,” editorial, April 9:
It would be nice if you would check the facts on concealed-weapon carrying laws before publishing an editorial statement against them. In every state that has enacted more liberal concealed carry laws, crime has gone down. The most notable success story is Florida, which changed its laws in 1987. The blood in the streets and a shootout at every traffic accident that were predicted just did not happen. Crime rates have gone down because criminals don’t know who is armed.
If, as you state, a majority of Californians oppose a so-called armed camp, it is because of misleading statements in the media. I say publish the true numbers and let people decide based on the facts, not emotion.
* California is usually considered to be ahead of the nation, yet you fail to mention that 39 of the 50 states have already implemented shall-issue laws regarding concealed carrying of guns--all without experiencing any rise in crime and certainly without any shootout at the OK Corral, as you imply.
Why the sudden urge to declare that polls have already answered for the citizens of the state so “the best way to deal with this initiative is to keep it off the ballot in the first place”? Be a bit more democratic and give us a chance to vote for ourselves!
Huntington Beach
* The all-consuming pro-gun argument is that the criminals, not the guns, need regulation. What is not taken into consideration is that until the gun is used, the user is not a criminal. Those kids in Arkansas were not felons until they started shooting.
Sherman Oaks