
Simple move for stubborn back muscles

This exercise will help to strengthen the muscles in your upper and middle back. It can be difficult to train this area of your body from a standing position. The use of a stability ball will provide a better angle and make this move especially effective.

1 Position yourself on a large stability ball so that your upper back and neck are supported by the ball. Walk your feet forward until your ankles are directly below your knees; keep your hips at knee level. Holding a dumbbell in each hand with your hands pressed together, inhale as you extend your arms behind your head. Your arms can be slightly bent, with your elbows pointed toward your legs.

2 On an exhale, slowly raise the dumbbells until they are directly above your chest. Pause for a few seconds and inhale as you reach your arms back, then exhale, bringing the arms up. Try to keep the dumbbells pressed together during the entire exercise. Do three sets of 12 to 15 repetitions each.



Karen Voight

Karen Voight can be reached at [email protected].
