
Outrage Over Bush’s Attack on Clean Air

All Southern Californians should be outraged at the Bush administration’s plan to kill our pollution controls in this area (Aug. 31). Incredibly, in a “friend of the court” brief, these Republicans have interjected (at any cost -- your health and mine) their pro-business agenda in a state matter involving our clean air. Amazingly, it was the third time in August they tried to kill our long-standing successful clean-air efforts. Are Southern Californians paying attention?

Some of us remember the Bush Republicans’ campaign for less federal government and more states’ rights. However, it is apparent that when this administration disagrees with a state’s position on a matter, it intervenes. Hypocritical? Yes, but when you have a “friendly” pro-Bush-administration majority on the Supreme Court, why not? This administration is no friend of mine.

Cheryl Howard

Dove Canyon
