
Giving Illegal Immigrants Licenses to Drive Was a Ploy for Latino Votes

Re “Bill Allowing Illegal Immigrants to Get Driver’s Licenses Is Signed,” Sept. 6:

It is with a heavy heart that I call myself a Latino today. The fact that Latino legislators are behaving like nefarious cavemen speaks only of the disintegrating, partisan and divisive nature of today’s Sacramento.

My father came to California in 1968. He followed the rules and obtained legal residency status to enter the United States. His is a humble background: a former pasta-maker and tailor. He served in defense of his country and looked to the United States for a brighter future for his family. We had to wait three years before being allowed to enter the country.

My sister and I attended Cal State Fullerton and gained our education with hard work and support from our parents. I was 11 years old at the time of entry, spoke little English and managed to become fluent within a year at Lincoln Elementary in Anaheim. We did not receive bilingual education in school, and our parents were not able to help because of their limited education.


I do not lack compassion, but if this is a rule of law, then why are they any different than a bank robber? After all, don’t they siphon off resources and divert dollars that our unemployed could use?

I have worked and come in contact with many an illegal immigrant who works and lives in the underground cash economy, which allows them to avoid taxes.

The myth about how much they contribute is just that: a myth.

The Latino vote should not be prostituted in such a blatant manner.

Douglas Obando

Garden Grove


It is amazing that our elected officials who are supposed to uphold the law of the land are the ones granting legal rights to the people who broke our laws by coming here illegally. These people should be incarcerated and deported instead of being given licenses.


And since our so-called elected officials are abetting these lawbreakers, we should recall them from office and put them behind bars, because aiding and abetting a criminal is a crime.

Lyn Simon



Re “Candidates Skirt Immigration Issue,” Sept. 8:

If Californians are opposed to giving driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants by a 2-1 margin, and since Proposition 187 passed overwhelmingly with 60% of the votes, and probably 90% of the letters to The Times oppose continuing to subsidize illegal immigration, I find it hard to believe that immigration reform has “lost some steam.”

All it would take is one gubernatorial candidate to come out in favor of enforcing our immigration laws, and that person would automatically get a lot of support from the voters. I’d be one of them.


Randle C. Sink

