
Stadium Violence Getting Out of Hand

In response to Bill Plaschke’s Sept. 21 article about fan violence and sports rivalries, I’d like to emphasize Dave Roberts’ simple comment: “C’mon, we play a game.”

Perhaps “This is only a game” should appear periodically on the screen during Dodger games. Team rivalries can be fun, and can get emotional, but it’s appalling that anyone could be stupid enough to see them as a reason for murder.

Atara Stein



On June 19, I attended a Dodger-Giant game with my son and best friend. It was the most unpleasant game I’ve ever attended. The fans all around were rude, vulgar and intimidating. Throughout the game, the four young people in front of us drank whiskey and cursed nonstop. Being in my black and orange, I ignored their constant insults and threats.


After the game, I was cussed out again by a truck full of drunk Dodger fans, who dared me to come over and face them. I did nothing to provoke them.

Dodger Stadium is not a place I’ll take my son again, unless I have box seats. There’s a meanness that was never present until Fox took over. In the 1970s, Candlestick Park was rowdy, and the Dodgers ruled the National League West. Now the tables have turned, and Pac Bell is a class act while drunken fans urinate on the side of Chavez Ravine.

Brian Miller

San Luis Obispo


There are two possibilities for the future of Dodger Stadium and any other venue that permits rowdy behavior, sells the liquor that gets the people into trouble, and looks the other way when the lives of customers are endangered.


Possibility No. 1 is for all of us to vote with our wallets and stay away from the games/events until Dodger management and the management of other venues make their stadiums absolutely safe. I don’t care how they do it, as long as it’s safe.

Possibility No. 2 is not to do anything and let the gangbangers, drunkards and other social misfits take over the stadium, taking their money in preference to that of families and law-abiding people.

One guess as to which option the managements will choose.

Abraham Hoffman

Canoga Park
