
Fee Hikes for L.A. City Services Are on the Way

I am amazed that there has not been a hue and cry over the fact that L.A.’s Department of Public Works is raising the cost not only of sewer service but of garbage containers. Not too many years ago we were required to supply our own containers and, when they were damaged, we replaced them. The city decided to replace our containers with its own. It required that we have a black one, a blue one and a green one.

An increase of $4 per month for these containers was approved by the City Council on Sept. 16, increasing the price to $10 per home. The apartment dweller is not left out. Each unit will be charged an additional $2.60, increasing the charge to $6.60 a month.

I think there will be many surprised people when that first bill hits home. If you are on a fixed income, as I am, these “little” increases can prove to be quite a burden, and this doesn’t even address the increase of 7 cents per 100 cubic feet of water for sewer service. Homeowners and renters, wake up or pay up.


Marilynn Dierker

Woodland Hills
