
Islamic Feminism Isn’t an Oxymoron

Re “An Islamic Feminist Seeks Balance,” Nov. 29: Feminism presents itself in various shades, and here is a brand of feminism we rarely encounter in the United States. Islamic feminism is often presented to the general public as if it were an oxymoron, but here we see the beauty and strength in this particular method of female liberation; an attempt to strike a “reasonable balance between progress and tradition.”

Through women’s eyes we can see that Islam does not in and of itself oppress women; male-dominated societies do. Islam provides a way for women to fight for the rights they are entitled to, such as equality and self-determination.

When governments attempt to legislate what women can do with their bodies or how women may practice their faith, it is an assault on female liberty. When governments forbid the wearing of the veil or deem women second-class citizens, it is an oppressive act that Islamic feminists combat in their own distinctive and commanding way.


Hebah Farrag

