
Iran’s Nuclear Program

Secretary of State Colin Powell (who deceived us about Iraq) says Iran is developing nuclear weapons (just like the U.S. and Israel). So why are the U.S. and Israel permitted to have weapons of mass destruction and not the Arabs or Iranians? Are fanatical U.S.-Israeli neocons more to be trusted than fanatical Muslim clerics? Why should any country give up the only protection it has against an impending invasion of its country?

It would be pretty stupid if it did.

Curt Thiele de Leon

Pacific Palisades


There is something incredibly appropriate about Michael Ramirez presenting Iran’s nuclear program as a proverbial elephant in the room (editorial cartoon, Commentary, Nov. 28). Had President Bush not bogged down the combat forces of the U.S. Army in Iraq, the U.S. might actually have the strength to confront Iran on its nuclear program.

Because the U.S. cannot mount a credible threat against Iran, however, that rogue nation is left to develop weapons as it sees fit.


Iran’s nuclear program truly is the elephant in the room, and it became the elephant in the room when the party of the elephant decided to ignore it in favor of Iraq.

Brian Balta

