
Intelligence Reform Legislation Is a Sham

Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner Jr. (“Intelligence Bill Slipping Away, but Foe Won’t Budge,” Dec. 1) is a hero in my book. The Senate and Bush administration want a sham “intelligence reform” bill that does little more than shuffle around boxes on an organization chart, in order to make it look as if they are doing something in response to 9/11.

Any provisions that actually might do something to protect the lives of American citizens are “too controversial” and therefore must be kept out of the bill. Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) refuses to be a party to the charade. He is to be congratulated for his integrity.

Lance B. Sjogren

San Pedro


There are more than enough votes in both houses of Congress to pass the bill in its present form. However, House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert has refused to bring it to a vote unless it receives more Republican votes. Apparently a partisan win is more important than the safety of the United States.


Can someone explain to me how the GOP is better at protecting the United States than the Democrats?

Michael Stark

Santa Monica
