
Give the Voters a Rest

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and his political advisors are pondering whether to call a special statewide election for next fall to put a variety of proposals for political and government reform to California voters. Bad idea.

The governor should govern first, trying with the Legislature to pass reform laws before going to the voters. That way, even if a compromise fails, there will have been debate that goes beyond 30-second campaign ads. Schwarzenegger has demonstrated an ability to reach accommodation with lawmakers and should keep at it.

The reforms Schwarzenegger has in mind include:

* Taking the drawing of legislative and congressional districts away from partisan lawmakers and giving it to an independent panel, possibly made up of retired judges.


* A ban on political fundraising while the state budget is under consideration in the Legislature, essentially from January through June.

* Consolidation of state government into a streamlined structure that will be more efficient, responsive and cost-effective. (Schwarzenegger has toyed with the idea of a part-time Legislature, but he appears to be mostly playing with lawmakers’ heads.)

The best idea in this grab bag is the redistricting panel. Compactly drawn legislative districts that allow for competitive races would produce a different and better Legislature than today’s tortured lines meant to keep incumbents safe. Democrats, with their ample majority, are expected to go ballistic at the idea, comparing it to U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay’s GOP power grab in the Texas Legislature. Schwarzenegger’s proposal, with an outside panel making the calls, would be no such thing.


The rest of the proposals have less clear-cut benefit. Fundraising abuse is far worse after the budget is adopted, as bills fly through the Legislature with little examination in the hectic final days of the session. Even if fundraising is banned then as well, candidates and special interests will find ways around it.

Government reorganization does need examining. But Schwarzenegger’s California Performance Review was a mammoth mishmash of ideas. More winnowing is needed to distill it into an effective plan.

The simple solutions presented, and distorted, in the heat of a ballot initiative campaign don’t live up to expectations. And voters don’t need a statewide election for the fourth consecutive year. May the governor govern, the Legislature legislate and the voters rest in the coming year.
