
Sea of Japan: another viewpoint

A recent letter “Naming the Waters” [Nov. 7] took issue with the term for the Sea of Japan and asked that the Los Angeles Times hereafter refer to it simultaneously as the East Sea.

Use of the sea name “Sea of Japan” is accurate and based on historic and international predominance for more than 200 years.

According to our survey in 2000, 97.2% of all maps in 60 countries used solely the name “Sea of Japan” in English or its equivalent in the local language. It is also confirmed that the prevailing practice of the United Nations is to use only “Sea of Japan.”


Historically, on maps from Europe, the sea was designated with a variety of names, but most of the maps from the 19th century onward have used “Sea of Japan” only.

In view of the methodology for geographical naming, the name “Sea of Japan” was objectively determined by its geographical characteristics: The sea area is separated from the Pacific Ocean by the Japanese archipelago. There are many bodies of water named in similar manner in the world.

I believe it is fair that the internationally recognized standard be upheld without altering the name or adding to the name currently in common usage.


Yoshiyuki Isoda, Consul

Consulate General of Japan

Los Angeles
