
Public Response to the Peterson Verdict

Re “Jurors Say Scott Peterson Should Die for 2 Murders,” Dec. 14: According to the news reports, about 64% of people interviewed agreed with the death penalty verdict for Peterson. I disagree! He really gets off easy by just being put to sleep.

A better punishment would be to sentence him to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole and let him suffer the indignities of the toughest prison in California.

He would receive a lifetime of punishment instead of just a few minutes.

Rosalie Rubin

Los Angeles


The public’s reaction to the death sentence verdict is appalling. It harkens back to the days of lynch mobs (not much different from the Iraqis who killed and mutilated four Americans), supporting the conclusion that Americans are uncivilized and bloodthirsty -- the pot calling the kettle black.


For those who thump the Bible and quote Scripture, is that what Jesus would do?

Stephany Yablow

North Hollywood


What’s interesting to me is that a jury of his peers found Peterson guilty of murdering his wife and unborn child and determined the punishment to be the death sentence. The evidence was clear, but far from overwhelming. On the other hand, a jury manipulated by “the race card” found O.J. Simpson not guilty of the murder of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown, despite comparatively overwhelming evidence of guilt, including matching DNA. Two murders, two very different outcomes.

David Schechter

Los Angeles
