
Patriots needn’t support Iraq war

I am glad writer Susan Spano was taken to task for her remark about President Bush [“Writer Out of Touch With World Events,” Letters, Jan. 4]. No, I don’t think the Europeans I have encountered understand American-style patriotism.

Unlike Spano, I am a world traveler who heartily agrees when the residents tell me they think Americans are friendly but they don’t agree with the war. Supporting the Iraq war is not patriotic; it’s simple-minded and a questionable mind-set for a travel writer.

Daphne Brogdon

Santa Monica


As an avid traveler and travel reader, I just wanted to say thank you to Susan Spano for the years of fun and interesting articles she has given me [“2003: Despite World’s Cares, the Road Still Beckoned,” Dec. 28]. Thanks to the Internet, I can read her columns in the Los Angeles Times.


My husband and I are teachers, and we have educated our two daughters (they are 14 and 16) for the past 12 years with travels all over the world. There is no better education, and the family time -- whether in a tent or a luxury suite -- is irreplaceable.

Carol Lund

South Hamilton, Mass.

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