
Saddam Hussein’s Pistol as a Trophy for Bush

I was troubled when I read on May 31 that President Bush received and keeps Saddam Hussein’s pistol as a trophy. Memorial Day should have been a day to focus on the sacrifices made by those who gave their lives to preserve our liberty. Instead, we were confronted with an incongruous image of the president celebrating his conquest.

In Iraq, while people struggle to reconcile the conflicting realities of abuse administered by their “rescuers,” they will now see Bush enjoying the spoils of war resulting from what must appear a personal vendetta. After more than a year of shifting reasons and phantom weapons of mass destruction, the world has never been given a clear picture of why we entered into this war when we did.

Laurie Bailey

Los Angeles


Bush’s escapade in Iraq may leave the U.S. mired in debt, cost thousands of American lives and without a friend in the world, but at least the president can keep Hussein’s pistol. What a trophy. He can fiddle with it while Rome burns.


Larisa Brooks

Los Angeles
