
Budget Squabble

Re “GOP Takes Off Gloves in Bout of Budget Infighting,” June 1: It is refreshing to read that a few Republican politicians understand the concept and benefits of pay-as-you-go budgeting. It is equally disturbing to realize that GOP party leaders still support more tax-cutting even though it is a fiscally unsound strategy. When one realizes that the rich and powerful are the real beneficiaries of these tax cuts, the strategy translates into one of payback and greed.

We wish more of the Republican leaders could be like Sens. John McCain and Olympia J. Snowe, who speak out for what is right, and less like House Majority Leader Tom DeLay and Speaker J. Dennis Hastert, who follow President Bush’s lead like lemmings.

Charles Doherty

Carole Doherty

Hermosa Beach
