
Cold facts on a hard sport

Yvon Chouinard wrote the book on ice climbing a quarter-century ago, bringing the French technique home from the Alps in the classic “Climbing Ice.” He then helped revolutionize the sport -- or art -- by designing and manufacturing the first modern ice tools.

Ice climbing and its offshoot of mixed ice and rock climbing have exploded in popularity in recent years along with the increasing sophistication of ice climbing gear.

Canadian ice scaler Will Gadd picks up the torch from Chouinard in “Ice & Mixed Climbing,” admirably detailing all aspects of ice climbing, down to making sure there is enough antifreeze in your car or truck.


Proper techniques are vividly shown in drawings reminiscent of early editions of the classic climber’s bible, “Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills.”

The writing is clear, even entertaining at times. This handy volume contains everything the wannabe ice climber needs to get started.

-- Bill Stall
