
A sweet home

Since Robert Hilburn is one of the guys who decides who gets into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, he might consider taking up the torch for the original Lynyrd Skynyrd, especially if he’s going to hype Grandmaster Flash for enrollment on the basis of one song [“Good Isn’t Good Enough,” Oct. 31].

How about “Free Bird”? It’s only the No. 1 cigarette lighter rock anthem single of all time, surpassing even “Stairway to Headphones.”

“Sweet Home Alabama” is such a part of pop culture that Reese Witherspoon names her movie after it.


There is more to the hall than just who remains “relevant” today. That is the worst kind of revisionist thinking.

Lynyrd Skynyrd are not as hip and cool as Patti Smith. But just ask yourself if Ronnie Van Zant does not have all the requirements to stand alongside Joey Ramone.

Brian Bentley

Los Angeles
