
Where Is the GOP’s Ethical Backbone?

Re “House GOP Alters Its Rules to Shield Combative DeLay,” Nov. 18: Well, what do you know? Could Rep. Christopher Shays (R-Conn.) be showing signs of conscience and moral backbone? Seems to be nearly extinct in his fellow Republicans who, behind closed doors, flip-flopped on their own party rule with the intent to protect their majority leader, Rep. Tom DeLay (R-Texas).

They want to protect his position if he is indicted in an investigation into campaign finance violations in Texas. My hat is off to you, Mr. Shays, for being one of the few Republicans to speak out publicly against the new rule. On the other hand, this proves to me that a decade-old rule, which was put in place to show that Republicans could live by a “higher standard than our Democratic colleagues,” was just their way of blowing smoke.

DeLay also has been rebuked twice this fall on separate issues by the House Ethics Committee. I have three words as comment for those Republicans who flaunt their moral superiority: integrity, integrity, integrity!


John Jacoby

Los Angeles
