

* Cingular Wireless, the largest U.S. mobile-telephone operator, will sell some airwave rights and customers to Alltel Corp. for $170 million to satisfy government conditions on its purchase of AT&T; Wireless Services Inc. Cingular is owned by San Antonio-based SBC Communications Inc. and Atlanta-based BellSouth Corp.

* Police searched the Montreal headquarters of Imperial Tobacco Canada Ltd. as part of a probe of cigarette smuggling in the 1990s, the company said. Imperial, owned by British American Tobacco, said it was cooperating with investigators.

* Scotts Co., maker of Miracle-Gro plant food and Turf Builder fertilizer, plans to reorganize into a holding company and change its name to Scotts Miracle-Gro Co. The move by the Marysville, Ohio-based company requires shareholder approval.


* Roche Holding is expanding production in Europe for its breast-cancer drug Herceptin. Roche plans to finish construction by 2010 on the new facility in Penzberg, Germany.
