
Scheer Is Defeatist and Un-American

In “Cultivating Opium, Not Democracy,” Commentary, Nov. 23, Robert Scheer trumpets with his usual invective the Bush administration’s alleged inability to deal effectively with the spread of Afghanistan’s opium crop. Notice that Scheer does not discuss how or why this destructive drug ends up “bought and sold” in black ghettos all over America.

Notice also that he offers no real solution in combating this serious problem. He just continues to hone his vituperative demagoguery against anything and everything Republican, conservative, religious or moral.

In pursuing this endeavor, Scheer is defeatist and basically un-American, actually giving aid and comfort to the enemy, while trying to demoralize American support for the noble and just cause of establishing democracy in the Middle East.


Thomas Z. Taylor

Yucca Valley
