
Kobe Bryant Escapes Trial but Not Shame

Re “Prosecution Drops Charges in Kobe Bryant Rape Case,” Sept. 2: Did anyone really believe this trial had a chance of going forward?

Endorsements for powerful, multimillion-dollar entities jeopardized by a pesky young woman in Colorado? Another spoiled, overrated sports figure off the hook.

Tina Hutchence

Manhattan Beach


Re the Kobe Bryant (and other) rape cases: I am neither a woman nor a rape victim, so please cut me some slack when I ask: Why all the so-called rape-shield laws that keep the accuser’s identity a secret?


I understand it’s some sort of psychological ploy to keep the accuser from suffering undue embarrassment and shame -- but what about the accused? Why should he have to suffer the embarrassment and shame of allegations that have not been proved in a court of law?

And why is the woman almost always referred to as “the victim” before any such judgment has been made? If a woman really believes she was raped, why is it not in her best interest to stand up and point her finger at the “rapist” and shout to the world, “J’accuse!”?

Joel Rapp

Los Angeles
