
Small Businesses Adding More Jobs, Group Says

From Reuters

U.S. small businesses hired with a vigor in August that has yet to be captured in the government’s measure of payroll employment, a private-sector group said Tuesday.

The National Federation of Independent Business said small-business owners added, on average, a net 0.3 worker to payrolls last month, an advance it called “quite strong.”

“Even the payroll numbers will reflect this strength, and the trends in household employment should remain strong,” said federation chief economist William Dunkelberg.


“Look for upward revisions in the government” statistics, he said. “Unless you believe there is a lot of excess employment or that productivity somehow keeps rising at above-trend rates, we can’t produce the extra output the government is reporting without hiring substantial numbers of new workers.”

The government said Friday that nonfarm employers added 144,000 workers to their payrolls last month. Economists say net increases of about 150,000 jobs are needed each month just to keep pace with the usual growth in the working-age population.
