
Tax Cuts Reach Into Our Children’s Pockets

Re “Agreement on Extending Tax Cuts Reached,” Sept. 23: As a middle-class father of two who would pay less under the “family-friendly” tax cuts approved by Congress, I am appalled at the naked cynicism of our leaders -- and depressed at the prospect that it will pay off in November. In a bald effort to buy our votes, this administration and its Republican allies in Congress have replaced the “tax and spend” policies of the left with a “borrow and spend” policy that will only delay and compound the need for additional tax revenue (though presumably those taxes will be collected on someone else’s watch).

The deficit is set to hit $420 billion this year and there is no sign that the conditions that got us here, a sluggish economy and the staggering cost of the war in Iraq, are going to change any time soon. That means our children and their children will be paying for this meager bribe for decades to come.

What’s family-friendly about that?

Andrew Hindes

Los Angeles
