
Ex-Felons in Florida Blocked From Voting

I love The Times. In the Sept. 26 Opinion section, there’s an article with the headline, “How Florida Republicans Keep Blacks From Voting.” Sounds preposterous, and sure enough it is. Turns out state law in Florida, as in many other states, prevents many ex-felons from voting no matter what color their skin is.

There’s enough real racism without this paper making it up when it doesn’t exist.

Greg Steinberg

Los Angeles


Writer Ann Louise Bardach, you make an interesting argument regarding ex-felons’ right to vote being automatically restored once they complete their sentences. As you stated, “It is a policy that disproportionately affects African Americans in the state’s prisons; the vast majority are serving time for drug offenses.” By all means, let’s ensure that convicted felons, particularly those who served time for being in possession of or under the influence of illegal drugs, have their right to vote.

What a horrendous thought; that those who demonstrated such a clear, rational pattern of thinking and behavior would be unable to exert influence upon the most critical aspect of our country’s electoral process.


Sarah Eno

Los Angeles
