
Placing Blame for Parklands’ Neglect

Re “Earth: Shabby Parklands,” editorial, May 7: It is ironic that as America’s national parks face record numbers of visitors this summer, the leadership in our nation’s capital has failed to provide adequate funding.

The fact is that education, resource protection and scientific inquiry are every bit if not more important to the National Park Service mission as flushing toilets and paved roads.

The Bush administration may not be the first to neglect our parks, but has done little to remedy inadequate funding and has initiated policies, such as outsourcing of National Park Service jobs, that have undermined the NPS mission. The responsibility for the procurement of adequate funds for the nation’s beleaguered parks lies with our elected officials, not corporate grants, tax write-offs or inflated entrance fees.


Seth Shteir

Sherman Oaks


Your editorial on the shabby U.S. parklands is right on target -- except for the final sentence. It is not the government that has failed to do its job. It is Bush and those he appointed to oversee the parks but are instead allowing them to degenerate: the secretary of Interior and her subordinates.

Park staffs are well aware of what is happening and desperate for attention and help from the public.

Marshall Carter-Tripp

El Paso, Texas
