
Malaria editorial was unfair to aid agency

Your Nov. 13 editorial, “A historic opportunity,” raises the specter of malaria’s devastation but unfairly details efforts of the U.S. Agency for International Development.

USAID has an operational presence in 100 countries and arguably has more reach than almost any international health organization in the world. Between 1998 and 2005, USAID increased its annual commitment to fighting malaria from $22 million to $89 million, most of which was targeted to African countries with the highest levels of transmission. All USAID malaria spending directly supports necessary programs.

Moreover, USAID collaborates with a vast network of partners to carry out critical malaria programs. Each partner is a highly valued resource in the fight to save lives.


To characterize our partnerships as “cozy consultants” represents a fundamental misunderstanding of our important work. USAID is on track to begin indoor spraying and bed-net distribution in Angola, Tanzania and Uganda.

Through the president’s $1.2-billion Malaria Initiative, we plan to reach 175 million vulnerable Africans. USAID and its partners will be there every step of the way, fighting for every life.


USAID Bureau for Global Health

