
An insult to the faithful

Re “Churchgoers’ help sought in abuse payouts,” Oct. 8

If the San Diego Diocese of the Roman Catholic Church wants parishioners to pay for its misdeeds, then we, the ones paying the bills, should have a say in how the church is managed. Similar to stockholder-invested companies, parishioners should be able to hire and fire clergy, set the budget, vote on bishops, decide policy and direction. I see an opportunity here to make a cash investment in a profitable company with a good cash flow and lots of tangible assets. This might be a good time for a takeover.

Patrick Dooley



Shame on Bishop Robert Brom and the San Diego Diocese for asking its churchgoers to contribute to the $198-million settlement. What’s next? Will the diocese ask the victims to contribute a portion of their settlements?

Ruthanne Rozenek

Los Angeles


It is outrageous that Brom would have the gall to ask parishioners to help pay for the abuse settlements. The bishops, either through indifference or outright lying about what was going on, allowed the abuses to continue and should be the ones to pay for the recovery of the millions lost through settlements. As for the parishioners, this is adding insult to injury.


Joe Sevenliss

