New ‘Arrested Development,’ 20 things we’re looking forward to [Pictures]
When we last saw Michael, he made it down to South America way (Portugal?) with George Michael and George Senior. Whether he settled down there or not is a different question. In fact, the trailer shows his arrival at the Phoenix airport. But since the new episodes cover 2006 to 2012, we might see Michael hop from city to city. He can’t stay away from the O.C. (don’t call it that) too long. (ROBERT K. HAMILTON / Baltimore Sun)
Baltimore Sun
Let the final countdown to Sunday’s new batch of episodes begin!
The first three seasons boasted a slew of appearances from Hollywood favorites, like Henry Winkler, Scott Baio, Liza Minnelli and Judy Greer. Thankfully, they’re all returning. And with them are Isla Fisher, Terry Crews and John Slattery. Yes, the John Slattery (above, right) who plays Roger on “Mad Men.” Roger’s one-liners paired with “Arrested Development” creator Mitch Hurwitz’s subtle wit? Be still, our hearts. (David Livingston / Getty Images)
“Arrested Development” was never afraid to take poke fun at current events (think: the Iraq war and the PATRIOT Act). That means six years of headlines peppered into the new 15 episodes. Expect to see the housing bubble, which the show astutely predicted with the fail of the Bluth Company, tied in with the financial crash. Other possible topics? Obama’s historic election, gun control and the dwindling bee population. Beads?! BEES! (JEWEL SAMAD / AFP/Getty Images)
The producers have been hinting at this since the day they got cancelled. It seems like asking for a bit much, what with the back-and-forth with TV studios just to make season 4. And quite frankly, after toying with our emotions for so long, it’s still hard to believe that the show will be streaming online. (So. Soon.) Is it worth getting our hopes up for more Bluths? With all the hype and the massive cult following (just try to avoid seeing an “AD”-related link on Facebook), odds are yes. Make it happen, Team Hurwitz (above). (Kevin Winter / Getty Images)