
For the record - April 20, 2011

Michael Sarrazin: The obituary of actor Michael Sarrazin in the April 19 LATExtra section gave an incomplete list of survivors. In addition to two daughters and a brother, Sarrazin is survived by a sister, Enid.

Giorgio Baldi: A brief obituary of restaurateur Giorgio Baldi in the April 16 LATExtra section said that Il Ristorante di Giorgio Baldi is in Santa Monica. The restaurant is in Santa Monica Canyon, which is within Los Angeles city limits. The Times has made the same error repeatedly in past articles.

Pulitzer Prizes: An article in the April 19 Calendar section about Pulitzer Prize winners in the arts gave an incorrect last name for the biography winner. He is Ron Chernow, not Ron Cherwin.


Body mass index: An April 17 article in Section A on the limitations of the body mass index (BMI) said the BMI was calculated by dividing a person’s weight by his height, squared. That formula applies to measurements in kilograms and meters. When calculating BMI using inches and pounds, the result of the formula should be multiplied by 703.
