
Letters: The next dog

Re “The gift of a great dog,” Opinion, May 16

A year ago I too thought that I’d had that one great dog, that canine soul mate never to be found again. My 13-year-old shepherd had passed away, and I was heartbroken. I couldn’t even consider getting another dog for months, as I knew it would not be fair to a new dog to constantly fall short in comparison.

After six months, one day when I least expected it, a 6-year-old rescued shepherd came into my family’s life. We love him passionately, and now he has become the best dog ever.


I believe that old saying: Don’t worry, your next dog will find you. So if you’ve lost your one really special dog, just wait, let yourself grieve as long as that takes, and one day that next really special dog will appear.

Pat Sinclair

Pacific Palisades


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