
Costa Mesa Planning Commission preview


The Costa Mesa Planning Commission tonight will consider a request by

Learning Tree University for approval of a conditional-use permit to

operate a nonprofit education and training facility in an industrial

building at 3160 and 3170 Pullman St. The item has been before the

commission twice because of parking disputes that have not yet been


What to expect: The city staff has recommended that the commission

continue the item again to its Feb. 12 meeting because the university

still has not provided updated information about the parking situation.


A property owner is requesting permission to split a

10,000-square-foot residential lot at 2258 Orange Ave. into two

5,000-square-foot lots. The city code, however, requires each residential

lot to be a minimum of 6,000 square feet, so a report is required for

each lot. A report was approved in 1998 but expired a year later because

the lot map was not recorded.

What to expect: The commission is expected to approve the request,

subject to conditions.


At the Jan. 8 meeting, Commissioner Katrina Foley suggested changes in

the agenda order. She asked that the “report of planning commissioners”

be moved from the end of the meeting to the beginning and that “oral

communications” be renamed “public comments.”

What to expect: The commission is expected to adopt the changes. Only

three votes by the five-member commission are needed to change sections

in the agenda.


* What: Costa Mesa Planning Commission meeting

* When: 6:30 tonight

* Where: Costa Mesa Development Services Department, 77 Fair Drive

* Information: (714) 754-5245
